Friday, August 29, 2008

Necessary Reminders...

There are times when I read, hear, or see something that reminds me of the way I should be living on a day to day basis. They may be quotes, scripture from the bible, a friend's wise words, or a strangers grave circumstance. The way in which the message is delivered plays as big a part in the meaning as do the images or words themselves. Today, my reminder is written below. I don't know who the author of the phrase was, but may their words live on forever.  My Mom sent the quote to me in an email. I encourage you all to read these words and take them to heart. 

'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

Friday, August 22, 2008

It's a gift we must carefully unwrap...

The mind is a grand and glorious gift from our Lord. Each of us as individuals are composed of separate and unique creative thoughts. Our minds serve as a fortress for thoughts that will never be revealed unless desired to be. In a world that uncovers and reaches to the farthest depths of it's hidden treasures, the mind is one that will never be decoded in it's entirety. There are no machines that can link together the pieces of art we develop over the years of our life. The mind is a gift and a curse. It's the place that allows dreaming and wisdom, but also where sin and moral filth enter in. Christ gave us the gift of free thinking, but we must reign control over the power it yields. Inside our minds we develop all that we do, all that we say, and all that we are. It's also where destruction festers and grows. We must keep hold over the negative influences entering into our thoughts everyday. We are strong enough to battle this war, and if we do, we'll become a people of honor and integrity. 

A brief and eye-opening conversation...

Yesterday afternoon, I was with a friend grabbing coffee at my favorite coffee shop after work. He and I have been friends for years now. We know exactly how to push each other's buttons and get under each other's skin. Yesterday was a classic example of the similar passions we have for opposite things. With all my recent desire to get out in this world, I've been able to talk about nothing more.  I was telling him about all the things I hope to do, and he looked at me as he does when he appreciates what I'm saying, but doesn't like the places it's taking me. As I was harping about how badly I need to get out of Kansas City and travel the world, he made the distinction between me and the majority of everyone around me. His statement was this 'I can't stop dreaming about all the things I want to do right here, where I'm at.' And I said, at nearly the same time, 'I can't stop dreaming of everything I'm missing out on because I'm here.' I've always known that I was meant to see this world, but those two statements make one thing perfectly clear. My sense of adventure will vanish if I don't pursue my dreams. If I fall flat on my face, at least I've done something my heart deems worthy. 

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Over the past few hours...

Over the course of the past 24 hours, I've seen a vision for what I want my life to be. A friend that knows me better than any other, suggested I check out a website she'd stumbled upon. I googled Ben Horton Photography and was instantly intrigued. Because my friend knows me so well, she knew my heart and mind would set fire after scoring the gloriousness of Ben Horton's career. With every click of the mouse, my admiration grew. Ben Horton is a documenter of this world's true beauty. His mission is to document his explorations so he can enlighten those around him of the what the earth has to offer. His images are stunning and his experience inspiring. He set out on this mission before he graduated from high school and is now 25. In his 25 years, he's seen more of this world than the majority of my generation ever will. I would give anything to be in his shoes. Looking at the images Ben Horton captures reminds me of the way life was intended to be, beautiful and peaceful. Our Lord did not create us to be creatures living for money and the pursuit of social status. He painted us into the Garden of Eden, a place I envision as more beautiful than our minds could grasp. He orchestrated a land that would provide for our every need and allow for few emotions aside from pure joy. I love the freedom God gives us through the art of creation.

Click HERE if you're interested in perusing around Ben Horton's website. I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Where I breath easy...

What a beautiful experience to stumble on a song that sweeps me away from the constant rumble of the day. To feel it's harmonic melody dancing around me. My mind drifts and I feel the most euphoric sense of freedom. Nothing else gifts me like the surrounding calm that music provides. The right song makes me feel as if I've found my place, my heart, my soul.

My present blessing...
The Deep - Jacob Prestidge

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Here I am...

I've created this blog so I can use it as an outlet for my writing. Writing is something that has always come easily to me and I enjoy the process it entails. As I unwrap experiences that impact my heart and mind, I suppose you'll be along for the ride. I'll try to keep it interesting.